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上海大学巴黎国际时装学院∣MOD'ART SHANGHAI



生活在法国Biarritz,Aimée 自嘲为是一个时尚瘾君子,专攻时尚博客超过五年。五年间,她一直不间断地网罗、预测着全球最热的时尚流行趋势。






  时尚也好政治也罢,如果这个冬天让你颇不顺心,不妨一起来回顾一下金球奖上的那些潮流设计,正如获得第74届视金球奖终身成就奖的Meryl Streep所说的那样,“将心碎变成艺术”。

Ruth Negga

  荣获金球奖提名的Ruth Negga身着Louis Vuitton充满未来感的锁链裙,打破了红毯传统格局并巩固了自己的地位,这款具有金属质感的盔甲式礼服似乎是专为最佳女主角候选人而设计的,加上底妆与极简主义的珠宝单品搭配得恰到好处,气场十足。据说这件银光闪闪的礼服可谓是红毯上的杰作,据说制作花了120小时,简练而又充满迷惑性的细节设计让业内人士不禁叹为观止。


Evan Rachel Wood

  Evan Rachel Wood是个直言不讳的女权主义者,又是中性风的女王。本次金球奖她一身干练的黑色套装配上优雅的白衬衣,营造出荧屏老手才有的专业形象,再次掀起时尚圈“企鹅色”搭配的潮流,被淡忘已久的传统之一重返好莱坞的荣耀舞台,让人们感受到浓浓的三十年代复古风。剪裁精美的套装出自于Altuzarra 的设计。当下流行的款领蝴蝶结和一缕俏皮的头发表现出Evan Rachel Wood内在的女性魅力,让她从众多佳人之中脱颖而出。


Kerry Washington

  Kerry Washington 身着一袭镶着莱茵石的Dolce&Gabbana金色蕾丝中长裙,毫不掩饰自己凹凸有致的身材。这款修身的中长款礼服裙是Dolce Vita 新的产品线之一,似乎是为酒会量身打造的。紧身式的上衣与设计精细的衣袖不仅将女性的曲线美体现得淋漓尽致,更显女王霸气。透明网纱镶边设计高端大气,丝毫不会显露出产后身材的臃肿感。




  Best in Show - The Golden Globes

  With luxurious attire and controversial acceptance speeches the two defining factors at the 74th movie awards, we took a break from the power moves and media changing speeches for a look back at the outfits that really WOWed the crowds.

  An event that brought the house down not just for the long list of glitterati that tripped the light fantastic, but for a searing commentary on American politics, The Golden Globes was a beautiful cacophony of lavish elegance and hard-line political unrest.

  Rife with national disquiet and sharp shooter attacks at the establishment, the red carpet took a back seat at this year’s Golden Globes. Dressed in their finest, the awards ceremony attendees quickly caught the attention of international media - not for a crude slip of the tongue by an intoxicated celeb or a wardrobe malfunction, but for their cutting criticism of the president-elect.

  Check your coats and your political views at the door and take a lesson from the steely Streep herself as we, ‘take our broken hearts and turn it into art’ for a retrospective on the designs that melted our bureaucratic winter of discontent.

Ruth Negga

  Reinforcing her status as breakthrough red carpet royalty, the Golden Globe nominee left an oil slick in her wake with this wonderfully futuristic chainmail dress by Louis Vuitton. An anatomical suit of armour custom made for the best actress runner-up, this modest metallic gown added a sense of occasion to her paired back makeup and a minimalistic single piece of jewellery. Rumoured to have taken 120 hours to make, the reflective masterpiece marked a high point on the tapis rouge as onlookers were left aghast at its simple yet deceptively detailed design.


Evan Rachel Wood

  Proving that the penguin suit is well and truly back en vogue, the outspoken feminist brought a long forgotten touch of traditionalism back to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. Reminiscent of a young Dietrich circa 1930, this top hat and tails inspired ensemble was perfectly tailored to perfection by Altuzarra – minus the quintessential carnation. The current queen of androgyny, her fierce and fabulous take on special occasion dressing imbued her look with a sense of refinement normally reserved for silver screen veterans. Tastefully paired with an on-trend Ascot-tie bow and a playful wisp of hair alluding to her inner femininity, this take on stylish suiting set her apart from the celeb crowd.


Kerry Washington

  Flaunting her newly acquired curves and throwing some serious shade down the isles, Kerry Washington wasn’t shy to boast about her stunning Dolce & Gabbana gold lace and rhinestone dress. Part of a never-seen-before couture line from the Dolce Vita designers, this figure-hugging midi dress was another made to measure cocktail dress that certainly had corks popping. Designed with an ample empire lined bustier and intricately embellished sleeves, this peek-a-boo post-baby gown celebrated serious style without a whiff of yummy mummy modesty or formula frumpiness.








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