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上海大学巴黎国际时装学院∣MOD'ART SHANGHAI



生活在法国Biarritz,Aimée 自嘲为是一个时尚瘾君子,专攻时尚博客超过五年。五年间,她一直不间断地网罗、预测着全球最热的时尚流行趋势。



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  果你以为在《Vogue》杂志上,只有美国版主编Anna Wintour这个时尚女魔头独领风骚 ,那你就大错特错了。国际期刊出版集团Condé Nast准备推出《Vogue》杂志阿拉伯版,主编人选已经敲定,竟然是沙特的王妃—Deena Aljuhani Abdulaziz。

新闻媒体还没来得及给Deena Aljuhani Abdulaziz王妃冠以诸如时尚女魔头之类的昵称。众所周知,这位沙特王妃来自于大名鼎鼎的沙特阿拉伯贵族家庭,她骨子里流淌着贵族的血液。如今这位沙特王妃华丽转身,摇身一变成为阿拉伯版《Vogue》杂志的新晋主编。要知道,《Vogue》杂志在全球超过二十二个国家发行,拥有超过2.5亿读者。



Condé Nast 集团主席兼首席执行官 Jonathan Newhouse先生拥有超凡的商业头脑,本次他推出了阿拉伯版《Vogue》杂志,旨在让广大阿拉伯国家的女士们领略来自全球的最新时尚。要知道,来自阿拉伯国家的女士们可谓是个个拥有富可敌国的家境。该地区拥有丰富的石油资源,简直就是富的流油啊!


Deena Aljuhani Abdulaziz王妃表示她会在尊重伊斯兰文化的同时,把时尚元素带给阿拉伯国家女士们,在杂志上刊登西方顶级品牌和著名阿拉伯设计师品牌的时尚讯息,例如:著名阿拉伯设计师Reem Al Kanhal的作品,王妃本人也是该品牌的粉丝之一。Deena Aljuhani Abdulaziz 王妃说:“”早在60年代,阿拉伯女士们已经成为高级定制服饰的固定消费者“”由于家族和社会文化的原因,她们都不愿意向外界显露购买奢侈品的具体花销。要知道,在中东阿拉伯世界,只有那些不入流的暴发户才会显摆自己用在奢侈品上的具体数目,有钱有地位的上流人士对此一向嗤之以鼻,不屑一顾。


  掀开海湾地区新一代女性的神秘面纱,阿拉伯版《Vogue》杂志旨在让越来越多的女性读者们领略到来自世界各地顶级时尚大牌的最新资讯。如今越多越多阿拉伯国家的设计师开始受到来自全球时尚圈的瞩目,去年一波来自阿拉伯国家的新锐设计师登上了世界时尚圈舞台,比如Anniesa Hasibuan首次向西方世界推出了阿拉伯系列服饰,令人惊艳不已!





  随着即买即看时代的来临,全球范围内的女人们只需轻轻一点就能买到顶级大牌的最新服饰,变身名媛有木有!众所周知,阿拉伯国家的传统服饰拥有令人着迷的伊斯兰风情,并且该地区的女性消费者购买能力惊人。国际顶级大牌的设计师踏准这一趋势,推出一系列带有沙特传统元素的服饰,例如:在本次米兰时装周上,意大利大牌Maxmara 史无前例地运用阿拉伯女性的头巾作为配饰,引起了整个时尚圈的轰动,受到来自阿拉伯国家女性消费者的追捧。通过网络渠道,让阿拉伯国家的女性消费者随时随地都能购买到与发布会现场同步的新款服饰,尽情享受购物的乐趣!


所谓头衔越大责任越大。在最新一期阿拉伯版《Vogue》杂志上,沙特王妃Deena Aljuhani Abdulaziz找来Gigi Hadid以中东女朗的造型登上杂志执面,装扮上华丽的头巾,化上浓浓的妆容,满是珠宝的头巾绚丽夺目,传达出一种自由自在的中东女性新形象,展现了最夯的时尚热点。受到来自地区和宗教影响,阿拉伯国家的女性普遍在穿着上都非常保守,沙特王妃Deena Aljuhani Abdulaziz认为阿拉伯版《Vogue》杂志的发行是一个很好的契机,能够重塑阿拉伯女性的时装观念。沙特王妃Deena Aljuhani Abdulaziz像是一股清流,向人们倡导了一种新的生活方式和时尚风格。阿拉伯版《Vogue》杂志架起了一座贯通中西方的时尚桥梁,旨在为阿拉伯国家的女性们带来全球最新的流行趋势。



  Editorial - The new face of fashion in the Middle East

  If you thought Anna Wintour held the most regal position at international Vogue, you would be wrong. Adding to their majestic court of industry powerhouses, the throne of high fashion is set to be abdicated this month as Condé Nast coronates a new editorial monarch, Princess Deena Aljuhani Abdulaziz.

Not a term coined by the press but, in fact, her official title, the groundbreaking palatial vanguard is a longstanding member of the Saudi royal family. With blue blood coursing through her veins, her royal highness is set to rein over 22 countries and the 250 million women that make up the magazine’s new readership.



Proving the keen business acumen of the sartorial sovereign, Jonathan Newhouse, Condé Nast chairman and CEO, Vogue Arabia is styled to the ever increasing middle-eastern consumer that has historically enjoyed a consumer-driven yet discreet wealth owing to oil big bucks and a tradition steeped in gold and gilding.


A transgressive role that sees the princess walk a tightrope that promises to respect traditional Islamic modesty but square it with inspirational fashion, mixing Western labels with the Arab designers, such as Reem Al Kanhal, that she herself wears, her royal highness, Princess Deena Aljuhani Abdulaziz said, “Arab women have been couture clients since the late Sixties. They are discreet society women who do not necessarily announce what they spend. It’s considered vulgar to show it off, to be photographed.”(Source, Vogue).


  Lifting the veil on traditionalism to make way for a new generation on the gulf, luxury-laden with protocol is the new trend in the world of high fashion. Adapting designs and dropping hems in the name of international inclusion, last year saw the start of modest fashion take a global stage, with the likes of Anniesa Hasibuan making her mark with the western world’s first Islamic collection.




The changing tides of acceptance has seen a wave of new proud and powerful women coined Hijabis take control of the future of high fashion – demanding more for their money and better interpretations of modern modest garb.

  Connecting the sartorial dots, conventional designers and editors have been quick on the uptake, with the likes of suburban brands like Maxmara showing new interest in headscarves at Milan fashion week. With the see now buy now revolution offering anyone the chance to dress like a FROW, plummeting sales are now supported by a fresh interest in high fashion from Arabic countries, with brands encouraged to re-align their aesthetics to suit this cash influx from afar.


  But, heavy is the head that holds the crown. After an acclaimed launch in Dubai, Gigi Hadid’s controversial front cover has left Saudi at odds over its new, more liberated role for women. Helping to embrace new levels of self-expression and fashion freedoms will not be an easy affair for her royal highness, as the public continues to be divided between religion and respect. Aiming to celebrate her own contemporary beliefs on life and fashion in the new luxury capital, Princess Deena Aljuhani Abdulaziz is stridently soldiering on to give women under her rule home grown talent and Arabian beauty that bridges the gap between east and west.

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