







  在我计算出自己穿着舒适又时尚的鞋跟高度之后很快就入手了一双完美的Kenneth Cole 基本款穆勒鞋。我选择了黑色因为黑色百搭,同时我也喜欢麂皮材质因为这既不会抢了整套装扮的风头,看起来比皮革材质的穆勒鞋更有范,搭配牛仔裤和白色衬衫瞬间 提升整体气质。

  如果你还想继续买买买,不妨看看Mansur Gavriel 家的穆勒鞋。

Kenneth Cole


Mansur Gavriel



















  吸睛款式风格绝对是最具个性化的穆勒鞋。我超级喜欢上面的各种装饰及其自带的舒适感。很多穆勒鞋都装饰有流苏、小珠子和其它装饰物,超级动感,又有超高回头率。可以肯定的是这款不适合那些生性腼腆的人。如果你想要走出自己的舒适区,赶快入手一双这样的穆勒鞋吧。Gucci 就有推出这样的一款穆勒鞋。




  这是大街小巷里的人见人爱款。如果你正好有这样一双人见人爱款,可搭配任一装扮,准没错!不管到什么地方,你一定是全场众人中着装最赞的。如果你已经准备好了迎接众人艳羡的眼光,赶快穿上吧!我个人就超级想要拥有这样的一双穆勒鞋。品牌No 21 就有推出这样一款鞋。当然其它的品牌也有类似的风格款式,赶快入手吧!





  This summer’s favorite shoe trend is undoubtedly mules! I have to admit I had my doubts before but after seeing all the amazing designs and new materials, I have to agree with other fashionistas around the world that this trend is amazing. Not only it is comfortable, it compliments almost every outfit like long dresses, jeans, summer dresses and even mid length skirts. I was late to find the perfect pair but at last I did and I can’t wait to wear them until winter. They are perfect for summer but also amazing for fall as long as it is not raining.


This trend is the perfect savior to last minute black-tie events, brunch dates, getaways, and even first dates. Since you can find it with different materials and different heel heights there can be never enough mules in your wardrobe.

Here are some different designs for this style and how to pair them for the perfect look!

Kenneth Cole


Mansur Gavriel


  The Essential Pair

  This Kenneth Cole pair is the one I got after looking for the perfect height where I had to calculate the sweet spot for comfortable and chic. I went for black since it is versatile and I also love suede because it doesn’t steal the show from the whole outfit and looks more edgy than basic leather.

  You can always pair this with jeans and a white shirt and it will elevate the look. If you have a few more bucks to spend, I also love the Mansur Gavriel ones. The brand doesn’t matter much for this one though. Think about it as the Mules 101.










  The pair I wanted

  Well this style didn’t work for me but I’m still on the hunt for one that works. Since it is crisscross it is hard to find the width that fits. You can think of this as a Cinderella tale for the modern, independent woman! But when you slip your foot into the shoe that fits hold onto it, because it is meant to be!



  The pair for the maximalist

  Well, I can’t lie, I love this style as well. It is perfect if you love patterns and you have a gift for mixing and matching them. Embroidered mules are also perfect to give something interesting to your all solid ensemble.



  The pair that steals the show

  If there is a statement mule, that’s it! I love the frills and drama as well as the comfort. There are many with tassels, beads, fringes and other materials that adds movement and grabs the attention. This is not for the shy that’s for sure. If you want to go outside of your comfort zone, these pair is a must. And Gucci is the brand for this style!



  The pair that everyone loves

  This is the popular kid of the block. If you have this pair, wear with anything you want and you will be the best dressed one in the room. If you are ready for all the attention go for it! I personally would love to get one! The brand is No 21, you can find similar styles but the real deal is No 21.


