
  我一直很喜欢白衬衫, 相较于其他的衣服,我可以穿着它去晚宴或者烤肉趴,也可以晚间外出的时候穿,甚至开会也可以穿。我很开心最近一两季衬衫又开始流行起来了, 对于我还有那些和我一样喜欢这一低调但又完美的衣服的人来说,我们又幸运地等到它的第二春啦!


经典的衬衫是很好,可是大家还是觉得它单调又缺乏生气,因此只会对它说“呵呵”。同时我们开始烦, 老实说有点讨厌时下那些颜色艳丽、样式奇异的衬衫, 像那些布满洞洞,又或是带着披肩或者荷叶边的衬衫,这些过多的修饰已经显得老土而且令人心生厌烦。但也不是说就因此全盘否定衬衫了。

  接下来“大码”衬衫将取代之前所谓“潮款”成为新的潮流。大码衬衫最显著的特点是加长了而不是加宽, 这让我们依稀回想起文艺复兴时期或者上世纪九十年代的风格。最明显的改变是袖子,长点更潮,大点更好。


  Victoria Beckham Resort 2018


  Celiné Pre-Fall 2017


  Chloé Resort 2018


  Chloé Fall 2017


  Phillip Lim












  Bigger Means Better - Latest Shirt Trend for Pre-Fall and Fall

  White shirts are always a wardrobe staple for me. What other item in your wardrobe can you wear to a dinner, a picnic, a night out or even a meeting? That’s why I have been an joying the rise of shirts for the last one or two seasons. Lucky for me –and other who are like me- the glory of this humble but perfect item is here to stay!


It was the good-old shirt that was boring, drab and ‘meh!’ for us but now we are all a little bored -and to be honest- bothered by the overly saturated novelty-shirt trend. Cutouts, wraps, ruffles and all the excessive adornments are getting old and annoying. But it shouldn’t mean that we should be getting rid of our shirts all together.

  What is next? It looks like the ‘oversize’ shirts will be taking over the ‘novel’ shirts trend. More elongated than widened, the new oversized shirts remind us a little bit of renaissance and a little bit of 90s. The focus is on the sleeves, longer the better, bigger the better.

  Easiest way to pair it would be with perfect jeans and black suede pumps. However, if you are feeling bold and a bit adventurous, try to emphasize the big sleeves by putting a vest on and let the sleeves pop! Or embellish your neck with gold jewelry and keep it shiny and glam. One thing to avoid is bigger pieces like big belts and bags with this style. If the sleeves are not the only hero the whole look can easily look stubby and heavy. Keep everything dainty, simple and elegant so the sleeves can steal the show!

  Victoria Beckham Resort 2018


  Celiné Pre-Fall 2017


  Chloé Resort 2018


  Chloé Fall 2017


  Phillip Lim


  Street Style and Outfit Ideas









