
  GRE写作题库精讲之多方面需要 。本文整理关于GRE写作题目提纲精讲,为考生提供GRE作文范文写作思路和方法指导。希望对大家GRE写作提分有所帮助。以下是GRE写作题库精讲多方面需要 题目思路解析。 GRE写作题库逐题精讲及issue提纲大全



  231" 'Moderation in all things' is ill-considered advice. Rather, one should say, 'Moderation in most things,' since many areas of human concern require or at least profit from intense focus."


  231 同意 1、生活中许多方面需要 moderation moderate exercise;moderation in diet;moderation in addictive substances, alcohol,tobacco 2、为了在竞争中取胜需要 intense focus in sports, great focus and intensity in preparation and performance, otherwise mediocrity in business, survive and thrive 3、为了追求精确需要 intense focus extreme focus on precision is the norm; astrnomy research

  231T 'Moderation in all things' is ill-considered advice. Rather, one should say, 'Moderation in most things,' since many areas of human concern require or at least profit from intense focus." [118] 231. “对所有事情都保持适度”这个建议是不妥当的。应该这么说,“对大多数事情保持适度”,因为与人类有关的许 多领域都需要,或至少会得益于,全力以赴的关注和努力 ①保持适度有助于 keep balance, keep healthy.如:若没有 moderate 的生活, Emerson 怎么能写出那么有 诗意的文章。 ②另外,从表面上看,在政治和商业领域,保持适度也是必要的。这使得他们能保持警醒,随时应付风云变幻。 ③实际上,enthusiasm 是成功的必须。如:Gandhi, Bill gates ④在其他领域,热情也是很需要的。如:凡高,Edison,

