

  1. Being tested only makes you stronger. 磨练只能使你更强大。

  2. I’ve decided to live in the present and not spend my life regretting the past or dreading the future. 我决定活在当下,不浪费生命为过去后悔或未来担忧。

  3. You can change your life if you want to. Sometimes, you have to be hard on yourself, but you can change it completely. 有志者事竟成。有时虽然劳其筋骨,但是命运可以彻底改变。

  4. When something bad happens, there’s no point in wishing it had not happened. The only option is to minimize the damage. 事情已经发生了,还希望事情不要发生没有意义,当务之急是减少损失。

  5. There are rules to this way of life. And if you are not prepared live by them, then its not the right life for you. 每种生活都有它自己的规矩。如果你不愿意守规矩,那么这种生活就不适合你。

  6. All life is a series of problems which we must try and solve. 人生就是会遇到各种麻烦,我们得尽力解决。

  7. Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it. Every ship is unsinkable until it sinks.没有翻不了的山,也没有沉不了的船。

  8. Sometimes we must endure a little pain, in order to achieve satisfaction. 有时候必须忍受点痛苦,才能得到满足。

  9. If we don’t respect the past, it’ll be harder to build our future. 如果我们不尊重过去,就更难创造未来。


  1. Sometimes, the key to making progress is to recognize how to take that very first step. Then you start your journey. 有时候,进步的关键是要知道如何走出第一步,然后才能开启征程。

  2. Love once begun will never end. 情不知所起,一往而深。

  3. It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time. 过于为未来担忧是错误的,命运的链条上,我们唯一能抓住的只有现在。

  4. Terrorise one, and the rest fall in line. 杀一儆百。

  5. And you either take that step forward,or turn around and walk away. I could quit, but here is the thing, I love the playing field. 如果你不跨出这一步,就是掉头离开,我可以退出,但现状是,我爱这片竞技场。


  1. The more people you love, the weaker you are. 你在乎的人越多,你就越脆弱。

  2. The man who fears losing has already lost. 一旦害怕失去,你就不再拥有。

  3. Laughter is poison to fear. 笑是恐惧的解药。

  4. Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you. 永远不要忘了你是谁,因为这个世界不会忘记。把你的特点变成你的力量,它就永远不会成为你的弱点。用它武装自己,它就永远不能伤害你。


  1. If it feels easy, don’t do it. Don’t let the world spoil you. 不要选择轻松的那条路。别让这个世界污染你。

  2. Life was always a test. 生活永远都是考验。

  3. Anger makes you stupid, stupid gets you killed. 愤怒会让你变愚蠢,而愚蠢会害死你自己。


  1. They say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff that you did. 别人都说,人到了暮年,比起自己干过的事,会更后悔没有干过一些事情。

  2. Whatever you do, just don’t make any rash decision. 无论你想做什么,千万不要贸然行事。

  3. Instead of complaining about it, I’m just gonna go in every day and give it my all. 与其抱怨不停,我宁愿全力以赴做好它。


  1. Decisions based on emotion aren’t decisions at all .They are instincts. 凭感情做的决定不叫决定,叫直觉。

  2. A person’s character isn’t determined by how he or she enjoys victory, but rather how he or she endures defeat. 一个人的品行不取决于这人如何享受胜利,而在于他如何忍受失败。

  3. There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong or useless pain ... The sort of pain that’s only suffering. 痛苦分两种,一种让你变得更强,另一种毫无价值,只是徒添折磨。

  4. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the one for the many. 有时候必须为大我牺牲小我。

  5. Of course we should enjoy our success and be grateful for it. But never let your gratitude sour into pride. 我们当然应该享受成功并心怀感激,但千万不要让感激变为骄傲。

  6. After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. 登上高峰后,你会发现还有更多的山峰要翻越。

  7. A man is not old until his regrets take place of his dreams. 只有当遗憾取代了梦想,人才算老。

  8. Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith. 没有什么比信念更能支撑我们度过艰难的时光了。


  1. You can’t just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it. 你不能无所事事的坐等人生带给你一切,你必须得自己努力争取。

  2. I will start fresh, be someone new. 我要重新开始,做不一样的自己。

  3. Whenever anyone tells me I can’t do something, I prove them wrong. 每次有人跟我说我做不到一件事,我就要证明他们是错的。

  4. Don’t let your pride leave you all alone. 别让你的骄傲使你孤独一人。

  5. Trust is the key to any relationship. 两个人交往,信任是最重要的。

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