砥砺前行!祝贺天和南大学子收获康奈尔大学信息科学MPS OFFER!



收获2017 FALL

Cornell University MPS in Information Science OFFER!



  背景:地理与海洋学院,GPA 4.5,TOEFL 103,GRE 324


  Program Overview

The Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Information Science is an interdisciplinary program that prepares students for successful careers in information science. Students have the opportunity for study with facultymembers who are leaders in their field. Capstone projects involve students in finding solutions to real world problems, providing experiences that can apply directly to jobs after graduation.

Cornell's Information Science MPS allows each student to individually tailor a unique skill set for their career goals, such as user experience design, data science, interactive technology, and networks and markets. Our flexible curriculum allows students to develop strong technical skills and an in-depth understanding of the social and behavioral aspects of information technology. Students can choose from all the coursesoffered at Cornell during the program. Each MPS student can map a course of study particular to the career goals that student is hoping to achieve. MPS students gain practical experience by putting their new skills to use in semester-long projects.


康奈尔大学(Cornell University)是一所位于美国纽约伊萨卡的世界顶级私立研究型大学,是常春藤联盟成员。在世界范围内享有极高的学术声誉,被誉为美国工程科技界的学术领袖之一。在2017 QS世界大学排名中居入选的全美院校第8位。截止2016年,共有54位校友或教职工荣获The Nobel Prize。

作为Cornell University的顶尖专业—MPS in Information Science,要求申请者在相关知识领域有较高水平和独到见解。同时能够灵活处理实际问题,具有一定的领导能力。在2015年的本校统计中,本专业毕业生的average starting salary为$83925。顶级的学术水平和就业资源,加上康耐尔的名校光环,使得申请难度不断上升。近2年来,Cornell University’s Information Science 的申请竞争异常激烈,吸引了大量的海外本科生和优秀的国内申请同学。大部分申请者或具有扎实的计算机背景,或拥有强大的数理背景,或者有着丰富的领导经历。天和老师和同学本着一贯的迎难而上的精神,克服转专业困难,面对计算机和数理背景不足的挑战,进行背景提升,打造专业性文书,终于收获常春藤名校Cornell的Information Science的Offer。




