祝贺天和复旦学子收获2017 FALL芝加哥大学MS in Financial Mathematics OFFER!


祝贺复旦大学 L 同学

收获2017 FALL

The University of Chicago Master of Science in Financial Mathematics(MSFM) OFFER!







  Program Overview

Founded in 1996 by an exceptional team of educators, the University of Chicago’s Financial Mathematics Program has had the honor of shaping some of the brightest minds in the financial industry today. A pioneer in its field, our Program offers 15 months of accelerated, integrated coursework that explores the deep-rooted relationship that exists between theoretical and applied mathematics and the ever-evolving world of finance. Our mission is to equip ourstudents with a solid foundation in mathematics, and in doing so provide them with practical knowledge that they can successfully apply to complicated financial models. Our students become leaders in their field; program alumni have gone forth to find success at companies like JP Morgan, UBS, and Goldman Sachs.

Located in Hyde Park, the University of Chicago is well known for housing great minds. Our Program, with its unmatched student body and highly accomplished faculty, works hard to uphold the University’s core values by creating an atmosphere that encourages intellectual collaboration and growth.



芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago),是一所世界著名私立综合型大学。于1892年建校,该校具有浓厚的文化气息,设备齐全且先进。芝加哥大学在经济、物理上的专业非常著名,以往许多华裔诺贝尔物理奖得主,均出自芝加哥大学或是与其有所渊源。

芝加哥大学Master of Science in Financial Mathematics(MSFM)项目创办于1996年,为金融领域人才的培养做出了很大的贡献。该项目为期15个月,就理论与应用数学以及金融领域的关系进行深入探讨。致力于为学生打造殷实的数学基础,让学生能够成功运用复杂的金融模型。毕业生任职的企业有摩根大通、瑞士银行和高盛集团。该项目要求申请者具有较强的数学基础和基本的计算机编程能力,同时也需要申请人有相关的工作或实习经验,要求申请人不仅在学术领域有所建树,也需要具有一定的领导能力。面对如此全面的要求,天和老师根据L同学的背景进行全面优化,深入挖掘L同学的研究经历,突出了L同学的学术研究潜力,同时也为L同学规划了合理的实习计划,并通过文书体现L同学的领导能力。将申请的难关环环击破,最终通过和L同学的共同努力成功拿下Master of Science in Financial Mathematics(MSFM) OFFER!




