


  虚 xū Xu


  Xu refers to a state of the cosmos or a state of mind. Basically, it has two different meanings. The first refers to the origin of the universe, indicating that everything originates from xu. Different ancient thinkers have different interpretations of this notion: Some take xu as being devoid of anything; others believe it is the state of existence of qi (气). Because qi is invisible and formless, it is said to be empty, but not a vacuum totally devoid of anything. The second meaning of xu refers to a state of mind that is peaceful, not preoccupied or simply free of any preconceptions.




  Xu is formless; it is the original state of qi. (Zhang Zai: Enlightenment Through Confucian Teachings)



  Dao gathers and presents itself in an unoccupied and peaceful mind; being unoccupied means the pure state of the mind. (Zhuangzi)



  义 yì Righteousness


  The basic meaning of yi (义) is “reasonable” and “proper.” It has two extended meanings. One is the proper basis and standard for people’s actions. The other is to adjust one’s words or deeds to meet certain standards, under the guidance of moral judgments. Scholars in the Song Dynasty used li (理) or “principles of heaven” to interpret yi, and considered yi to be the reasonable standard defined by the “principles of heaven,” and hoped that people’s words and deeds would fall in line with the “principles of heaven.”




  Junzi (a man of virtue) understands things and acts in accordance with righteousness. (The Analects)



  Righteousness means exercising self-restraint in order to do everything properly. (Zhu Xi: Mencius Variorum)



  心 xīn Heart/Mind


  The heart, a vital organ of life, underpins one’s emotions, awareness, and value judgments. Different from the ears, eyes, nose, and mouth, which sense the outer world in a passive way, the heart is capable of thinking and performing intellectual and moral evaluations on the basis of analyzing and sorting out what these organs have sensed. Mencius believed that the heart consists of four aspects: compassion, deference, sense of shame or detestation, and conscience. Preserving and expanding one’s good heart is the central aim in practicing moral teachings. According to Daoism, a serene and uncluttered heart is the highest state for a human being, much like a peaceful pool of still water. Such calmness is the way in which the heart can capture the essence of all things in the world.




  The sensory organs like ears and eyes cannot think. Therefore, they tend to be overwhelmed by the representation of external objects, and be led astray by those objects when coming into contact with them. The heart, however, is an organ capable of thinking.Thinking yields insight, while lack of it will get one nowhere. (Mencius)



  Heart is the dominant organ of one’s body. (Classified Conversations of Master Zhu Xi)










  文拓视野 译悦心灵

