


  一. 单词代替词组

  英语中有很多单词和词组的含义相同,原则上可以互换,但为了确保表达的简明性,更推荐使用单个的词而不是短语。例如表示原因,可用的词组有 the reason for / for the reason that / due to the fact that / owing to the fact that / in light of the fact that / considering the fact that / on the grounds that 等等,这些词组如果用在书面表达中尚且可以接受的话,用在口语中就有点大词小用了,特别是在随意的日常交流中,这种表达就给人掉书袋、呆板、甚至炫耀的感觉。 其实不管是书面英语还是口头表达,想要表述类似含义,优选的表达都是 because / since / as 这些最基本的单词——简单直接,其实是更有效的表述方式。类似的还有用 can 代替 is able to / has the opportunity to / is in a position to / has the capacity for / has the ability to,用 about 代替 as regards / in reference to / with regard to / concerning the matter of / where . . . is concerned,用 Must / should 代替 it is crucial that / it is necessary that / there is a need/necessity for / it is important that / it is incumbent upon / cannot be avoided,等等。

  二. 添加词缀

  词缀也非常好的一种实现简洁表达的方式,在口语中尤其常见,甚至会起到画龙点睛的妙用。例如在动词前面加上 well- /ill-,就可以表示性质的好坏,其他的前缀还有 mis(出错)、over(多于)、 under(低于)、out(超过)等。例如:

  考试准备得好一般表达:have a good preparation for this exam 高级表达:be well-prepared for this exam 对新产品缺乏了解的客户一般表达:the customers have limited information for the new product 高级表达:the ill-informed customers for the new product

  这道数学题解错了。一般表达:The math problem is solved in a wrong way. 高级表达:The math problem is missolved.

  你穿的太正式了。一般表达:Your dress is too formal. 高级表达:You are overdreessed.

  这道菜缺火候。一般表达:The dish hasn't been throughly cooked. 高级表达:The dish is undercooked.

  你的表现比他好。一般表达:Your performance is better than him. 高级表达:You outperform him.

  后缀一般加在名词或者形容词后面,如 ish(有点像……)、shaped(……形状的)、_ some(像……一样的)、ed(名词变为形容词)等。例如:

  表现的像个孩子一般表达:act like a child 高级表达:childish

  一条心形项链一般表达:a necklace with the shape of heart 高级表达:a heart-shaped necklace

  这项工作负担很重。一般表达:The job's bureden is heavy. 高级表达:The job is buredensome.

  心地善良一般表达:having a kind heart 高级表达:kind-hearted

  三. 避免内容重复

  和英文不同,中文中有很多语义表述重复的现象,例如「 局势环境」、「学习研究」、「推动提升」、「繁荣富强」等等,但转换成英文,就成了啰嗦的表达( the situation and circumstances,study and reserach,promote and upgrade,prosperous and affluent),需要避免。 举例来说,Even if problems do emerge, they can be easily corrected or solved. 句末 corrected 和 solved 含义相同,都是「改正」的意思,同时出现就显得多余,留下一个即可。 关于表述啰嗦的问题,推荐一本书——《中式英语之鉴》,作者是在中国多年从事翻译工作的美国人,书中总结了大量中国人在英文表达时的缺点甚至错误,有例句有解释,很有参考价值。

