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  英语中有句谚语:“模仿是最真诚的恭维”(Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery)。科学家的研究表示,模仿的重要性不仅如此,还可能是人之所以为人的根源。婴幼儿时期,人们就开始模仿周遭的人,学人吐舌头,把耳朵靠近电话听筒,向给自己打招呼的手挥手。等我们成年后,遇到心仪的人会不自主地模仿对方的身体语言,和朋友买一样的红鞋子,网购明星同款。也许很多人不愿意承认自己是模仿者,然而科学研究表明只有人类才能建立高度组织化的社会文明正是源于模仿。获得知识有两种基本途径,一种是尝试—犯错—尝试,这种方法无疑是最直接、最有开创性、也最受尊敬的,但它效率极低;另一种就是模仿,模仿使得人类得以快速地掌握复杂的语言和社会文化,相当于“抄了小道”。人类不仅有意识地模仿具有直接功能目的的举动,还会无意识地模仿那些看起来多余且无稽的言行。

  Imitation can get a bad reputation, but researchers say our species’ drive to imitate so readily is a significant mechanism through which we learn social norms, integrate into society, and build social connection. And, they say, this level of imitation might be what sets us apart from other species and may have set us on the path to building an advanced society.

  1.Imitation 模仿

  2.Reputation 名声

  3.Mechanism 机制

  4.Integrate 融入


  Imitation can get a bad reputation, but researchers say…

  (that) our species’ drive to imitate so readily is a significant mechanism宾语从句

  through which we learn social norms, integrate into society, and build social connection定语从句,修饰mechanism


  And this level of imitation might be…

  what sets us apart from other species and may have set us on the path to building an advanced society

  what = something/that


  If you’re convinced your plane seat gets smaller with each vacation, that your cramped knees and crushed hips are not just a function of your expanding girth, that you’re being gradually and intentionally squished bit-by-bit like a slowly boiled frog as airlines cram ever more chairs into their fuselages at the expense of the people between them, then — good news!
