
  At first glance, DestinyBlue's art may only strike you as colourful, somewhat melancholy Anime-inspired portraits. If you look a little closer, however, you'll notice hidden messages that tell the story of the British artist's harrowing struggle with depression.


  DestinyBlue, whose real name is Alice De Ste Croix, has been posting her work on DeviantArt since 2004. She's become massively popular due to the vivid characters she draws from imagination, and her ability to tell emotional stories with imagery. 'Blue,' as her fans affectionately call her, creates all of her art from scratch using Photoshop CS6, and is completely self-taught.

  DestinyBlue,真正的名字是Alice De Ste Croix,自2004年以来一直在DeviantArt上发表自己的作品。由于她想象中绘制出的生动人物,她以成像的方式讲述情感故事,因此受到人们的欢迎。“蓝色”,她的粉丝亲切地打电话给她,用Photoshop CS6从头开始创造出所有的艺术,完全是自学的。










