2017中国中车国际化人才高级培养项目顺利结业 CRRC AITDP Graduation&Hon Professorship





2017年夏, 历时6个月的中国中车“631工程”国际化高级人才培养项目在宁波诺丁汉大学正式谢幕。8月2日,中国中车股份有限公司(以下简称“中国中车”)总部副总经济师兼人事部部长薛松先生及30多家子公司代表领导、宁波诺丁汉大学校长陆明彦 (Chris Rudd) 教授及其他校院领导、项目团队嘉宾齐聚宁波诺丁汉大学劳伦斯报告厅参加了项目毕业典礼。




薛部长还高度评价了宁波诺丁汉大学丰富的全球化教学资源和为中国中车量身定制的全方位人才培养课程, 并对中国中车集团和宁波诺丁汉大学6年来的全面合作和深厚友谊表示了感谢。


宁波诺丁汉大学执行校长Chris RUDD陆明彦和商学院院长Martin Lockett马丁洛克特在稍后的致辞,对所有学员的优秀表现和学习收获表示祝贺,并对学员未来的表现以及助力中车乃至中国国际化之路的实践运用充满信心,对中车与宁波诺丁汉大学国际化合作之路充分展望与期待。






  In Summer 2017, the six-months CRRC‘631 Project’ Advanced International Talent Development Programme (AITDP) came to an end in University of Nottingham Ningbo China. On 2nd August, Mr. Xue Song, Vice Chief Economist and Director of HR Department of CRRC Corporation, VIPs from 30 CRRC branches, UNNC Provost Chris Rudd, as well as UNNC leaders and project team members all gathered at DH Lawrence auditorium to attend the graduation ceremony.

  During the six-month programme, 144 new participants from more than 20 CRRC subsidiaries enrolled to learn English and Business delivered in English. Outstanding participants were selected for the international exchange in the UK, Germany or the USA programmes. On the graduation day, participants in groups presented their Business Improvement Projects in various forms, demonstrating what they have learnt in terms of global horizon, understanding of localization and how to implement internationally.

  Mr. Xue Song, the Vice Chief Economist and Director of HR Department of CRRC Corporation congratulated their success, and encouraged the participants to ‘act professionally, seize opportunities and be proactive’ and get ready for any challenges. He expects that the participants can fully utilize the international resources gained from UNNC, and contribute to CRRC to be the 1st class international enterprise‘. Mr. Xue highly praised the rich global teaching resources in UNNC, as well as its tailored and comprehensive talents training program. He expressed his sincere appreciation for the 6-year cooperation relationship and friendship between CRRC and UNNC.

  Provost Chris Rudd and Dean of Faculty of Business Professor Martin Lockett delivered their remarks at the graduation ceremony, and congratulated the excellent performance of all UNNCRRCers. They were confident in the participants’ future performance in work place, and expected they would practically utilize the skills to realize the internationalization of CRRC, as well as expressed their good will for the future path of international cooperation between UNNC and CRRC.

  The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) has appointed Vice Chief Economist and Director of HR Department of CRRC Corporation, Mr. Xue Song, as Honorary Professor within the Faculty of Business, for his profound achievement and impact on internationalization of human resource management.

  Prof. Xue has made profound impacts on the internationalization of the CRRC Corporation and being one of the advocates for the internationalization of state-owned enterprises in China. He is also the Vice Provost at CRRC University. His support has formed the foundation of collaboration between CRRC and the University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

  Up till now UNNC has successfully developed 515 international talents for CRRC, these UNNCRRCers are working all over the world as the pioneers for CRRC's internationalization.







  Photography Competition Winners






  International Exchange




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  Vanessa WU



A World Beyond Ordinary
