考研英语小课堂 | 一期一句(第13期)


考研英语小课堂 | 一期一句(第12期)



  句子的主干结构是They all seem to look alike,括号中的成分(though they come from all over)是插入的条件从句。破折号后面的成分是全句的状语,之所以用破折号是因为作者想对主语they,the young people)进一步加以说明。细分起来,状语分为两大部分:一是描绘他们的长相、穿着和吃住,二是说明他们的目的(购票)。前一部分包括四个方面的内容:一是(with) lean,pointed,dedicated faces,二是wearing jeans and sandals,三是eating their buns,四是bedding down for the night on the flagstones outside the theatre。而在目的状语中,when the box office opens at10∶30 a.m.是一个时间状语从句,两个过去分词结构held for the sleepers和sold to them)修饰the 20 seats and 80 standing room tickets

  pointed意为“尖的,尖削的”,a pointed nose(尖鼻子),a pointed face(尖脸)。

  dedicated意为“专注的,一心一意的 献身的具献身精神的”。 He is a dedicated musician.(他是一富有献身精神的音乐家。)be dedicated todedicate oneself todedicate ones life to都有“献身于……”的意思。注意dedicate还有“捐赠;献”的意思。I’d like to dedicate 捐献the book to my parents.(我想把这本书献给我的父母。)

Their methods do not attempt to estimate判断评价the actual biomass(the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass生物量over time.

