视频-伍兹迪拜赛前放松 重游地标建筑帆船酒店
00:43 Announcer: From the United States, Tiger Woods.
01:35 TW: Thanks again
02:56 TW: I miss playing here I miss being here. It’s been a while since I’ve been, ah, one fit enough to play and travel this far again. So, it’s been good.
03:07 PD: You know the last eighteen months must have been really frustrating for you. The whole world of golf is delighted to see you back.
03:12 TW: It was tough. I mean, Peter, it was more than brutal. Um, because there were times when I physically didn't know if I could get out of bed. I had a lot of great people around me to help me. Help keep my spirits up and two of the most important people in my life kept my spirits up every day they were my kids.
03:34 PD: Now everyone hoping you’ll do well this week in Dubai. Are you looking forward to it. Feeling confident?
03:37 TW: I am. I am looking forward to it. I am looking forward to it. The golf course is going to be playing a lot more difficult this year. It’s going to be tricky. It’s going to be tricky for all of us. You’ve got to get the ball in play. The rough is up a little bit and so it’s going to be tough. You can play to win in one of two ways. You can play very aggressively or play conservatively and do well. But the thing is though, every time you come here the greens are always perfect.
04:00 TW: For me coming back here like this, this is what I grew up in. This is like California. It’s a little on the dry side, sun’s out, it’s warm all the time and this is like Southern Cal’ to me. There’s also a lot of players that live here. They come here and practice. Especially during the winter time and get ready for an early part of the season. Rory spends just a boatload of time here, playing and practicing. So there’s, there’s plenty to do here golf wise. There’s different golf courses to play.
TW: 对我来说,回迪拜就像回到我从小长大的地方。这里跟加利福尼亚很像,气候偏干,太阳一出来就始终很暖和,就像我熟悉的南加州一样。很多高尔夫球员也住在迪拜,他们来这个球场练习——尤其在冬季,来这里为下一个赛季起个好头做准备。罗伊花很多时间在迪拜打球练习。迪拜的高尔夫选择很多,很多高尔夫球场可以打球。
04:35 TW: It’s crazy to see that there are two different skylines here. When I first came out here there were two buildings there at number eight that we used to aim at, and they looked like they were shaped like dumplings on top, on top of the buildings and you’d pick you cut one of that one or draw one off the other one. And that was your end point. Now you have a whole skyline. Which one am I going to aim at?
05:01 PD: There are some new courses coming on stream. I think you’re involved in designing at least one of them aren’t you?
05:06 TW: Yes I’m going to be designing one here. The whole idea is nowdays, that’s one of the reasons I design my golf courses the way I design them, is try and design a golf course where you don't lose your golf ball. One of the more difficult things about the game of golf now is that the time of play it takes and nobody can go without their cell phone for five minutes. And so it’s trying to get them to put that away and then losing themselves in the game of golf again.
• TW-1-5+8-9:在2017年欧米茄迪拜沙漠精英赛开赛之前,老虎伍兹从迪拜帆船酒店露天平台上挥杆,将球打入阿拉伯湾
• TW-7:2017年欧米茄迪拜沙漠精英赛赛前,老虎伍兹重游迪拜帆船酒店停机坪,2004年时他在那里挥出了著名的一杆。这次,迪拜体育局秘书长赛义德•哈里布阁下带着伍兹坐上直升飞机环游城市。
• 老虎伍兹两次赢得欧米茄迪拜沙漠精英赛
o 2006年,他最后两杆打出小鸟球,戏剧化地战胜了厄尼•埃尔斯
o 2008年,他在最后一轮发威,将离球洞25英尺的球漂亮地推进洞中,交出了65杆的成绩,力压马丁凯梅尔和厄尼埃尔斯
• 他在玛吉利斯赛场打了28轮比赛,收获低于标准杆92杆的成绩
• 2017年是他第八次参加迪拜沙漠精英赛。2001年他首次来迪拜参赛,而上次参赛还是2014年