漂流世界 | 里约热内卢——风情万种


  今天我们要介绍的是巴西的重要城市——里约热内卢 Rio de Janeiro



  Rio de Janeirois the second-most populous municipality in Brazil and the sixth-most populous in the Americas. Portuguese rulers were the first ones to rule Rio as they landed on the soil of Guanabara Bay on the 1st January 1502. The bay forms the opening of a river, hence the name ‘Rio de Janeiro’ which means ‘River of January’ in Portuguese.




  Guanabara Bay:瓜纳巴拉湾



  一月之河自然有多处临水的地方,也带来了迷人的景色——科帕卡巴纳海滩 Copacabana Beach


  Rio will never be complete without the mention of Copacabana Beach. The pristine Copacabana Beach stretches for over 5 kilometers and beckons one and all to its alluring waters. Sun, sea and beautiful bodies are what represent the pleasure-seeking side of the neighborhood.


  Rio's beaches have long seduced visitors. Copacabana Beach plays host to millions of revellers during the annual New Year's Eve celebrations, and in most years, has been the official venue of theFIFA Beach Soccer World Cup.


  感受过大海的广阔,让我们来体会高山的巍峨吧——耶稣山 Corcovado mountain


  Corcovadoor Hunchback Mountainis so named because of its shape. This mountain is crownedby the statue of Christ the Redeemerwith a chapel to honor ourLady of Aparecida, patron Saintof Brazil.


  The imposing statue of Christ the Redeemer atop the Corcovado embraces the city of Rio. Standing atop Corcovado, Cristo Redentorgazes outover Rio, a placid expression on his well-craftedface. The mountain rises straight up from the city to 710m, and at night the brightly lit 38m-high open-armed statue – all 1145 tons of him – is visible from nearly every part of the city.


  里约还有一座著名的山,不同于耶稣山的庄严肃穆,而是让人感觉瑰丽亲和——面包山 Sugarloaf Mountain


  Sugarloaf Mountainis a peak that rises 396 meters high and presents a bird’s eye viewof Rio de Janeiro from the mouth of Guanabara Bay. More than a million tourists visit Sugarloaf every year to enjoy a breathtaking view of surrounding beaches, mountains and forests.


  The name "Sugarloaf" was coined in the 16th century by the Portuguese during the heydayof sugar canetrade in Brazil. According to an historian, blocks of sugar were placed in conical moldsmade of clay to be transported on ships. The shape given by these molds was similar to the peak, hence the name. This became part of a World Heritage Sitedeclared by UNESCOin 2012.


  除了壮丽的山峰,里约丰富的植物也非常值得一看——植物园 Botanical Garden


  If you want to spend hours amongst exoticflowers and plants, a trip to theBotanical Gardenmust be on the cards. This is a true ecological sanctuarywhere you can spend the whole day admiring the lush green surroundings of the popular garden, which is also a prominent scientific laboratoryin Rio.


  The towering Amazon trees provide protection to a wealth of wildlife including Marmoset monkeys, Toucans and much more. There are over 8,000 species of plant life, with orchidsand bromeliadsin abundance. The royal palms and pau-brasil treeshave become the Garden’s symbol, while the Garden is a UNESCO biosphere reserve.



  里约热内卢狂欢节 Carnival in Rio de Janeiro


  Incorporated into every aspect of the Rio carnival are dancing and music. The most famous dance is carnival samba, a Brazilian dance with African influences. As stated by Samba City, "Samba Carnival Instruments are an important part of Brazil and the Rio de Janeiro carnival, sending out the irresistible beats and rhythms making the crowd explode in a colourful dance revolution fantasy fest!"





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