





伦敦占星学院Frank伦敦占星学院校长 占星师 手相学家 看TA的文章>>

  Is the wearing of rings random? When we choose to wear a ring on a particular finger, is the subconscious at work or do we simply place rings on fingers that fit? Modern hand analysts believe that we can gain insights into current mental preoccupations (or worries) by noting which fingers bear rings. These reveal matters that are foremost in our minds and the personality traits we wish to emphasize and reinforce at the present time. Of course, wearing a ring does not cause any of these circumstances or traits. It is simply that the desire to wear a ring reflects and ‘coincides’ with a current problem or urgent need, as revealed by the finger in question. It’s interesting to note that the size of the ring adds emphasis to the particular meaning. A very large ring, for instance, reveals that the matter has become quite an obsession. In addition, the presence of the ring provides support and back-up in an area in which we feel insecure at present.


  Here are quick profiles on the meanings of rings on the digits.


  A Ring on the Thumb


  A ring on the thumb reveals a wilful, stubborn temperament; we can be hell-bent on doing things our own way regardless of outside influence or suggestion. We like to have control over our environment and, while wearing the ring, feel that we need additional support to do so. If worn on the left hand it will show that this need for autonomy is dogmatically applied to our personal life; on the right hand this need might be inflicted upon co-workers and in the pursuit of professional projects!

  One client began wearing a ring on her left thumb a short while before our consultation. I asked her if she was attempting to take greater control of domestic issues (left hand). She said no, but later revealed that her mother-in-law had moved in temporarily and had started to run the household! I asked when she’d first moved in: it was four weeks ago. And when had my client begun to wear the ring? A few days later. 



  A Ring on the Index Finger


  A ring on the index finger indicates that we need to exhibit traits of leadership and confidence, although the underlying motive may be to hide shyness, low self-esteem or protect a fragile ego (especially if the index finger is shorter than the ring finger). It also says we’re keen to understand our life purpose. When the index finger is longer than the ring finger, the wearing of a ring can highlight the control freak in us or suggest that we want to impose our authority on others. If the ring is worn on the left hand, we may play the role of the bossy homemaker with the henpecked spouse; on the right hand it shows that we want to be firmly in control of our destiny or be in charge at work.

  A few months ago, I found myself on a train sitting beside a very friendly and sociable young man, who was chatting to everyone up and down the carriage. It was a little over-the-top but he wasn’t trying to convert anyone to some pseudo religion or sell timeshares, so he came across as personable more than anything else. When he discovered what I did for a living, he was quite dismissive, saying, ‘You mean like ‘cold readings’?’ Somewhat taken aback, I persevered and asked him something about himself (if I had wanted to spend my life talking about myself, I wouldn’t have become a consultant palmist!). But the young man was very reluctant to have the spotlight turned on him. I noticed a bold ring on his right-hand index finger, and (silently) I wondered whether this was a way to bolster his self-confidence and mask esteem issues or uncertainty. It turned out that he was a big fan of self-help guru Anthony Robbins, master of ‘awakening the giant within’ through his own brand of NLP, esteem- and confidence-building programs. I mentioned the ring he was

  wearing, but I was careful not to ‘tread’ on this sensitive area. The remarkable aspect of our encounter was that, without knowing the symbolism for the ring on an index finger, he announced to me that it was his ‘Tony Robbins ring’ – one he’d bought after the first workshop and had worn it (‘for some reason’) on this finger ever since.


  几个月前,我在火车上碰到一位能说会道的小伙子,他和车厢里所有人都搭了话。这是有点过了,不过他也不是为了卖东西,所以大家对他的印象就是喜欢交际。他得知我的职业后还有些轻蔑,问“就跟冷读术一样么?”。我有点震惊,但还是镇定地问了问他的情况(我要是喜欢谈论自己,何必要当一名手相咨询师呢!)但是小伙子不太愿意把目光引到他身上。这时我发现他右手食指上戴着一枚戒指,我就在他可能是想以此树立自信心和自尊心。原来他是励志大师Anthony Robbins的粉丝。Anthony Robbins最出名的就是“唤醒你内心的巨人”,通过NLP重树自信自尊。于是我装作随口提了他戴的戒指,但很小心地避开了他内心的敏感区域。神奇的是,他完全不知道食指戴戒指的意义,却告诉我那是他的“Anthony Robbins戒指”,是他上完Anthony Robbins的第一次工作坊之后买的,从那以后一直戴着,他也不知道为什么。

  A Ring on the Middle or Ring Finger


  A ring on the middle finger is not particularly significant (although some palmists suggest it reflects a fear of loneliness), nor is the wearing of a ring on the ring finger (although as a sign of romantic commitment it emphasizes the astrological qualities of Venus and the Sun). The middle finger does have a link to commitment, maturity and society (all words associated with the middle finger and the planet Saturn). Youngsters often wear rings on this finger to show their status as adults, and gay couples (particularly before the legalization of same-sex marriage) have worn commitment rings here. We give people ‘the finger’ or flip them ‘the bird’ to suggest that we’ll do things our own way and to hell with their experience or opinion; it’s an impudent, scornful anti-authority signal. My palmistry colleague Robin Lown links a ring on the middle finger to deep-rooted mother issues, and I’ve begun to see this when listening to my clients’ stories.

  戒指戴在中指的意义不大(但有些手相占卜师认为它反映害怕孤独),戴在无名指的意义也不大 (虽然象征浪漫关系的承诺,因为它在占星学中象征金星和太阳)。中指的确和承诺、成熟、社会(所有与中指和土星相关的词)有关。年轻人常常在中指上戴戒指表示他们是成年人。同性情侣(特别在同性婚姻合法化之前)也都把定情戒指戴在中指。人们树中指表达“去你的,我就按照我的想法来”,因为它也是鲁莽、嘲讽和反权威的信号。我的同事Robin Lown认为中指戴戒指说明和母亲之间有深层次的问题。听了很多客户的故事,我也开始认同这一点。

  A Ring on the Little Finger


  Have you ever noticed how top businesspeople wear signet rings on their little fingers? Like the finger itself, a ring worn here has multiple interpretations. On the left hand we may be living through temporary sexual or romantic problems. We may also have a need for freedom in a personal relationship (more importantly, this will be shown when the little finger juts out away from the rest of the fingers). At times, money takes over as the prime motivator in getting romantically involved (the gold-digger may wear rings on both little fingers!). Sometimes there are sexual difficulties or physical worries. For example, we may feel inadequate in the bedroom. (This latter point must be backed up by other features in the hand.)

  I’ve always remembered the particularly vivid example of a client who revealed that for the whole time she wore a ring on her left-hand little finger she was also experiencing an on-going gynaecological problem. After her hysterectomy she took the ring off, declaring that it ‘no longer felt right on my hand’. This is an extreme case (and wearing a ring on the little finger should not be seen as revealing a medical issue), but I’ve noticed that wearing a ring on this finger can highlight (rather than ‘cause’) anxieties or physical problems time and time again.

  When the ring is worn on the right hand, the emphasis is more on acquisition, usually at the expense of putting energy into developing sexual desires. Money-makers, people obsessed with financial gain and avaricious types often wear a ring on their right little finger. The larger the ring, the greater the obsession with the almighty dollar; and this can be an overcompensation for a lack of sexual contact or intimacy.




  © Frank C. Clifford

mt.sohu.com true FrankAstro https://mt.sohu.com/20141119/n406179720.shtml report 9632 Isthewearingofringsrandom?Whenwechoosetoweararingonaparticularfinger,isthesubcon







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