America has the bald eagle, France the Gallic rooster and India the peacock. That Britain, a nation of animal lovers, does not have a bird to call its own, has spurned ornithologist David Lindo to action with a campaign to find our national bird.
He said: "I want to encourage the great British public to vote for the bird that best represents all that is great about this nation."
More than 70,000 people voted in the first round to whittle it down to a shortlist of 10 and members of the public now have six weeks to choose which British bird they would like to see represent the country, he said。
The 10 most popular birds which have been voted for by the public are the robin, kingfisher, barn owl, blue tit, wren, blackbird, puffin, mute swan, red kite and hen harrier。
Mr Lindo said: "Along with the expected contenders - the friendly robin, charismatic puffin and elegant swan - there is one major surprise, the hen harrier, one of England's rarest breeding birds。
"Down to just one breeding pair a couple of years ago, it may already be extinct. Could the majestic hen harrier knock the hot favourite robin off its perch?"
Although Mr Lindo says he is supposed to remain impartial, he claims his vote would go to the blackbird whose birdsong reminds him of growing up and "lazy, hazy sunny days"。
The final round of voting for Britain's National Bird Campaign closes on May 7, the day of the general election。
Mr Lindo said he will be speaking to the Government once the public has voted to see if the winner can officially be made Britain's national bird。
Robin 知更鸟
Pros: Beautiful. Friendly. Lovely red breast.
Cons: Bit too seasonal.
Blackbird 画眉
Pros: Beautiful. Could represent ethnic diversity of Britain. Beatles wrote a song about it.
Cons: Hard to see at night.
Wren 鹪鹩
Pros: big voice and a long Latin name (Troglodytes troglodytes), the wren is the most common UK breeding bird.
Cons: Tiny and rather inconspicuous.
Red kite 赤鸢
Pros: As well as a master of aerobatic displays, the red kite is a conservation success story - it recovered from a tiny and dwindling population to its present numbers which exceed 3,000.
Cons: Eats owls.
Barn owl 仓鸮
Pros: The barn owl is a distinctive, nocturnal hunter and a much-loved, widespread feature of the UK countryside.
Cons: Can be eaten by red kite.
Hen harrier 白尾鹞
Pros: One of the most persecuted birds in the UK, according to Mr Lindo the hen harrier should be Britain's choice if we want to 'back an underdog'
Cons: In some parts of Europe people believed that seeing a harrier perched on a house was a sign that three people would die.
Swan 疣鼻天鹅
Pros: Beautiful. Majestic. Overcomes childhood ugliness.
Cons: Can kill you.
Puffin 海鹦
Pros: Cute. Ridiculously cute. Really ridiculously cute.
Cons: Terrible personalities.
Blue Tit 蓝冠山雀
Pros: Cute. Pretty. Comedy value of our national bird being 'a tit'.
Cons: Our national bird would be 'a tit'.
Kingfisher 翠鸟
Pros: Stunningly beautiful. King-like. Good at fishing.
Cons: Too flashy to be a truly British choice.
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