The Hierarchy of the 3D Genome
UJohan H. Gibcus University of Massachusetts Medical School
Mammalian genomes encode genetic information in their linear sequence, but appropriate expression of their genes requires chromosomes to fold into complex three-dimensional structures.
Tranional control involves the establishment of physical connectionsamong genes and regulatory elements, both along and between chromosomes.
Recent technological innovations in probing the folding of chromosomes are providing new insights into the spatial organization of genomes and its role in gene regulation.
It is emerging that folding of large complex chromosomes involves a hierarchy of structures, from chromatin loopsthat connect genes and enhancers to larger chromosomal domainsand nuclear compartments.
The larger these structures are along this hierarchy, the more stable they are within cells, while becoming more stochastic between cells.
Here, we review the experimental and theoretical data on this hierarchy of structures and propose a key role for the recently discoveredtopologically associating domains.
Large-Scale Nuclear Organization in Mammals
(A) The nucleus is composed of chromosome territories(for example, mouse chromosome 3 and 18 are depicted in red and green, respectively).
DNA is organized in more or less condensed regions, as can be shown by DAPI staining (gray intensities).
Nucleoli (N) are visible as dark spots (top inset).
(B) Inset shows a more detailed architecture of the nucleus with compartments (A and B), heterochromatin (HC), and euchromatin (EC) surrounding the interchromatin compartment.
(B) 显示更详细的细胞核的“核隔仓”的结构部分(A和B),异染色质和常染色质(HC),(EC)周边染色质间隔间。
(C) Zoomed-in view of chromosomal domains (hypothetical).
(C) 放大的染色体结构域的观点(假设)。
Foci of factors interacting with looping chromatin in theperichromatin region(PR) are shown as pink circles, and RNA is shown as orange lines.
The larger speckles(SP) are located in domains that are sparser in chromatin content and further away from the PR.
(D) All-by-all chromosome matrix showing the interactions within and between chromosomes.
(E) Red and blue “plaid” pattern of chromosome 18 emphasized through Pearson correlation shows the separation into two chromosomal domains (represented as red and blue).
(E) 18号染色体的红色和蓝色“格子”标识皮尔森相关系数,分离成两个染色体区域的对应模式(以红色和蓝色)。
(F) Detailed version of (D), sized equivalent to E, showing the cis-interaction matrix for chromosome 18.
(F) 详细版本的(D)图,大小相当于E,显示18号染色体的顺式因子相互作用矩阵。
The inset indicates a ?3 Mb large B compartment.
插图说明?3 Mb碱基长度的基因组分格区。
(G) The clustering into compartments A and B after principal component analysis on the plaid pattern displayed in (E).
(G) 基因组分格区A和B的聚类,通过主成分分析后显示在(E)里的格子图案。
(H) Detailed version of the 3 Mb large B compartment from (F), revealing the organization of TADs (1 and 2).
(H) 基因组分格区B的3 MB的详细细节(F),揭示TADs的空间组织形式(1和2)。
(I) Representation of looping of chromatin as can be found at the PR (see C) or in deeper structures within TADs (see H).
(I) 染色质圈环表示可以在PR发现(见C)或深埋在TADs结构域中(见H)。
Nuclei were modeled to match Hi-C plots, which were adapted to scale from previously published data (Zhang et al., 2012).
细胞核核仁模型匹配的Hi-C线图中,这个设计模式来源先前公布的数据(Zhang et al,2012)。
Genomic Interactions Promoter (black) and enhancers (red) are represented as circles.
The size of enhancers indicates the strength of their activity.
Architectural boundary proteins are shown as black squares and interactions relevant to gene expression are shown as dotted blue lines.
(A) Linear representation of interactions between genomic elements.
(A) 基因组元素之间的相互作用的线性表示。
(B) Three-dimensional representation of the genome, where interactions are largely confined to TADs (gray circles) and TADs containing elements of similar activity are arranged in compartments (A or B).
(B) 三维基因组的表示模式,染色质互作主要限于TADs(灰色圆圈)和含有类似的活性元素排列在车厢TADS(A或B)。
Situation “I” represents the 3D organization of the linear genome depicted in (A).
Situation “II” represents changing interactions (leading to altered expression) by stochastic cell-to-cell differences (for interactions with promoters 1–6) or increased enhancer activity, leading to altered promoter expression (for interactions with promoter 7) and compartment change.
(II)子图的情况表示不断变化的相互作用(导致改变的表达)的随机细胞,启动子的相互作用(与启动子6 - 1)或增加增强子活性,导致改变启动子的表达(与启动子7的相互作用)和细胞核核隔仓的变化。
Note that the altered expression does not lead to a change in TAD organization.
The Stability and Reproducibility of Chromosomal Interactions
Chromosomal territories and compartmentsare very stable within one cell cycle of a given cell, but they are unlikely to be reproduced from one cell cycle to the next.
Conversely, interactions between loops (within TADs) will be unstable and variable within each cell cycle, but this “instability” is reproducible from one cell cycle to the next.
At the junction between stability and reproducibility, TADs confine looping, while maintaining the possibility of compartmentalization.