公众号: 朱国伟
Part 3 语料积累(互联网是怎么改变世界的):
The Internet related Part 3 questions.
1. How has the internet changed our life?
2. Has the Internet changed how we do our works?
3. Has the Internet changed the way how we learn things?
From the topic ' Describe your favorite website ' . 'Describe an experience that you were not allowed to use a mobile phone'.
1. 熟读下面的段落,直到你可以脱口而出。
2. 打黑体字的部分可以单独放在你想说的话中。灵活使用这些素材可以大大的提升你说话的质感。
3. 在实战中,应结合自己的实际语言水平去使用。不要强求自己去说拗口的词语。保证流利度对于各位来说至关重要。
4. 看完请在留言处打卡。坚持就是胜利。
1.The accessibility to information via the Internet has transformed the world into a global village.
The accessibility to information via the Internet has transformed the world into a global village:(我们)可以在互联网上轻易地获得各类信息。而这一特质把我们的世界变成一个地球村。
2.The spread of the Internet around the globe has created job opportunities and expanded the work circle.
The Internet has revolutionized the way business is done,thanks to innovations such as online shopping,Internet banking and e-commerce.
The spread of the Internet around the globe has created job opportunities and expanded the work circle:互联网的普及创造了很多的就业机会,而我们对工作的定义也有了新的认知。
The Internet has revolutionized the way business is done:互联网改变了我们做生意的方式。
3.The Internet has also introduced tremendous flexibility in the education sector.Through e-learning,one can attain a degree without physically appearing in a classroom.
The Internet has also introduced tremendous flexibility in the education sector:互联网给教育带来了更多的选择。
one can attain a degree without physically appearing in a classroom:通过在线教育,学生可以在任何地方享受到高质量的课程。
在Part3 的考试中, 同学们经常会遇到无话可说的尴尬。语言组织能力的缺乏是一方面,但是更多的是缺乏相关,地道的语料的积累。背诵好的语料能让你在回答这些问题的时候变得游刃有余,长此以往的积累,也必将厚积薄发,让你的语言得到实质性的突破。完成任务后请在留言处打卡,记录下自己的英语学习旅程吧!