有趣 有知识 有远见
The Story of Philosophy
by Will Duriant
? Men are not content with a simple life: they are acquisitive, ambitious,competitive, and jealous; they soon tire of what they have, and pine for whatthey have not; and they seldom desire anything unless it belongs to others.
人不满足于一个简单的生活: 他们贪婪,野心勃勃,争强好胜和嫉妒成性,他们很快就会厌倦所拥有的,追求还没有得到的;他们很少渴望任何东西,除非它是属于别人的。
? Morality, said Jesus, is kindness to the weak;morality, said Nietzsche, is the bravery of the strong; morality, says Plato, is the effective harmony of the whole.
耶稣说,道德是善良软弱; 道德,尼采说,是强者的勇气; 柏拉图说, 道德是整体有效的和谐。
? We want to learn to laugh in the face of the inevitable, to smile even at the looming of death. We want to be whole, to coordinate our energies by criticizing and harmonizing our desires; for coordinated energy: is the last word in ethics and politics, and perhaps in logic and metaphysics too.
? We think we are most ourselves when we are most passionate, whereas it is then we are most passive, caught in some ancestral torrent of impulse or feeling, and swept onto a precipitate reaction which meets only part of the situation because without thought only part of a situation can be perceived.
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