ART // 万众瞩目! Jean-Michel Basquiat 大型艺术展明年登陆英国



  明年,一场规模盛大的 Jean-Michel Basquiat 艺术展将登陆伦敦 Barbican 中心,纪念这位已离世 28 年的美国艺术家。名为《Basquiat: Boom For Real》的展览将展出 100 件作品,回顾了 Basquiat 相对短暂的艺术生涯,但却成就了 80 年代纽约地下艺术的黄金时期,创意主题从碧波普爵士乐到 19 世纪的表现主义。此外,展览还包括 Basquiat 早期罕见作品,毫无疑问是 2017 年最受关注的艺术盛事之一。

  展览将从 2017 年 9 月 21 日拉开帷幕。







  A new show at London’s Barbican Centre next year marks the prolific U.S. artist’s first major exhibition on British soil and comes 28 years after his death. Boasting more than 100 works that traverse Basquiat‘s game-changing but tragically short-lived career, “Basquiat: Boom For Real” will shed light on the artist who became synonymous with New York’s underground art scene in the 1980s, taking in influences from everything from bebop jazz to 19th-century expressionism. The exhibition places extra emphasis on his early work and is sure to be one of 2017′s blockbuster shows.

  The exhibit is set to open on September 21 of next year. For more information, visit Barbican’s website.
