SAYMYNAME | 高举双手迎接本周 HARDTRAP 教父中国首演


在沉闷的周一,感觉没有蹦迪的自己实在没有Rave的时候那么活力满满?还对上一场派对念念不忘?不要灰,继Future Bass之王Marshmello用棉花炮弹轰炸完深圳蛇口之后,TRONICA为大家继续带来新一期的活动主角-HardTrap教父,将你本周的期待无限延伸,这次我们不但把他带到深圳,更是把他带到了魔都上海!教父与魔都的相遇?有点意思。证明你够硬,够真嗨,那你就在本文开始介绍之前,甩手大声喊出他的名字!

Boring Monday, the start of a very long week always makes us feeling less lively than usual when we are at raves. Following our Future Bass king Marshmello’s show in Shekou, Shenzhen. TRONICA promise to keep this up - bringing you the godfather of hardtrap, not only to Shenzhen but also to Shanghai! Tronicans prove that you are our true fans, be ready to put your hands up and scream out his name!


SAYMYNAME, aka Dayvid Lundie-Sherman, 来自大洛杉矶。

SAYMYNAME 被多个电音主流媒体,无数的报道以及电音粉丝尊崇为HARDTRAP教父。

The Chainsmokers, DJ SNAKE, Carnage等大牌都是他的支持者,他们经常会在大型主舞台表演中嵌入SAYMYNAME的作品。更不用提及Skrillex, Flosstradamus, GTA, Party Favor, Nghtmre, Slander, 12th Planet, David Guetta等等在音乐上对SAYMYNAME的无限肯定。

SAYMYNAME巧妙地将HARDSTYLE的强硬与TRAP中的hiphop感进行融合,HARDSTYLE由此而生,顺水推舟般,SAYMYNAME在2013年的EDC Las Vegas的竞赛中轻松胜出,他的演出也成为Insomniac节目的大热门。

在2016年Nocturnal Wonderland的演出中,这位HARDTRAP先驱人物用他极具独特风格的一set混音将台下观众带入了混合了HARDSTYLE,TRAP,低音等等元素的强劲旋律中,王者般轻松掀起现场气氛的最高潮。


SAYMYNAME hails from the greater Los Angeles area, also better known as Dayvid Lundie-Sherman.

Major EDM media, numerous blogs and fans have labeled him as the God Father of HARDTRAP. He boasts support from giant names such as The Chainsmokers, DJ SNAKE, and Carnage who play several tracks in their sets. An endless of infamous names that show track support, ie: Skrillex, Flosstradamus, GTA, Party Favor, Nghtmre, Slander, 12th Planet, and David Guetta.

Combining the intense energy of hardstyle and the hip-hop sensibilities of trap, SAYMYNAME lies at the intersection of the two genres with his creation of HARDTRAP. A Discovery Project alumnus—he won the EDC Las Vegas 2013 competition—SAYMYNAME has gone on to become a crowd favorite at Insomniac shows. Ahead of his performance at Nocturnal Wonderland 2016, the HARDTRAP pioneer has dropped an exclusive mix that takes listeners into the heavy worlds of trap, hardstyle, bass music and beyond. His remixes blasted from festival speaker stacks worldwide.



Keep an eye out for this young exciting act which bring his fabulous stage presence and ridiculous drops and basslines to Shenzhen & Shanghai which makes crowds go insanely crazy!


SAYMYNAME 深圳站, 05/18



深圳市南山区 A8音乐大厦 2楼

2F, A8 Music Mansion, Nanshan Dist, Shenzhen


Scan QR Code below to buy tickets

↓预售 PreSale ¥120RMB



SAYMYNAME 上海站,05/20

Scan QR Code below to buy tickets




  音乐态度更表现着他的人生态度,当世界依然对DJ这个职业存在误解的时候,SAYMYNAME的回应是“GET ON MY LEVEL" :


Some people try to undervalue a DJs profession and think that it is easy to do a set. I hate when people are like, “Oh I can DJ—it’s nothing.” Some people need to understand that it is not just about playing music but building a connection with a crowd of 2,000 or even more people.

  对如此才华横溢而又态度满满的HARDTRAP教父,你怎么能错过他的国内首演,TRONICA送给你一个朝圣蹦迪的机会 - 转发本文说出你的入教宣言,我们将抽送深圳站/上海站,各两位朋友去面圣。







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